Last-Minute & Monthly Offers
We have some amazing last-minute offers available from time to time, which we post on our social media pages. To avoid FOMO be sure to follow us on FB & Insta!
Also, any last-minute closures for training etc will be posted on our social channels too, as well as announcing new goodies that we have in the shop.
Location & Parking
Address: Hudson & Wood, 237a Sharrow Vale Road, Sheffield. S11 8ZE
We are situated on the lovely Sharrow Vale Road, just a few doors down from the Post Office. There is street parking (paid) along the main road, up to a certain point where it turns into 'Residents Only' - so, please read the signs.
Also, please leave enough time to park before your appointment - it's a bustling area, but a lot of people just park for 20mins (as you can get a free 20-min ticket from the machines), so spaces do become available regularly.
Opening Hours
The following are our general opening hours. Please be aware that on some days we may close for training. Follow us on Facebook/Instagram (links below) for up-to-date announcements of any irregular closing.
We are closed on Bank Holidays.